Thursday, 24 March 2011

How art gives shape to cultural change

Since it is a little long to do, I am going to give you TWO weeks to do this. So THIS EXERCISE will be calculated as TWO assignments instead of one. Make sure you work hard and that you follow the three steps I'm asking you to take while watching the video I am proposing for this week.

1. Watch the speech entitled "How art gives shape to cultural change" by Thelma Golden without the sound. Concentrate ONLY on the the images you see (paintings, photos, art in general) and choose any one work of art that interested you from all those that you watched in the video.
Explain the work of art shortly in your own words (mention the exact time the work of art appears in the speech) and then tell us why you liked it or didn't like it. I would like to see a short neat paragraph and NOT three lines !

2. Now watch the speech with the sound as many times as you want to answer the following questions -
a. How do images work, according to Thelma Golden ?
b. Which questions does she raise about the role a museum plays in a society ?

3. Golden says : “Think about artists, not as content providers,.... but again as real catalysts (for change).” . Would you agree with her point of view ? Why or why not ? Again, I'd like to see a short neat paragraph and NOT three lines !

Happy working !

Friday, 18 March 2011

Drawing upon humor for a change

I would like you to watch very interesting speech that gained world-wide approval : Drawing upon humour for a change
There are a few steps I would like you to follow -
1. I would like you to watch the video the first time without any sound. That would help you to understand the context and read all the cartoons at once.
2. Next, watch the video as many times as you like and answer the following questions -
a. What according to you is the central idea of the speech ?
b. Do you agree with it ?
c. Would you agree with Donnelly when she says that the sense of humor changes according to one's culture ?
You may answer these questions in the question-answer format or in one short paragraph.
Happy viewing !

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Beliefs during school-days

When we are in school, we believe all kinds of things. Watch this video to learn about a love-charm that  school kids are speaking about.

1. What does this charm do ?
2. When you were at school, did you also believe in something that you find silly today ? What was it ? 
3. Where do you think such beliefs come from ? Rumours, superstitions or simply the need to believe in something ? Argue your point of view.

Using these questions as clues, write a short article of no less than 150 words. 
These questions must be answered, but not in a question-answer format but in the format of writing an article.